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Discover how the Programme works

The European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 (FEnIKS) programme is a continuation of the two previous programmes: Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013 and 2014-2020.

General information about the Programme

The main objective of the programme is to improve the conditions for the development of the country by building technical and social infrastructure in accordance with the assumptions of sustainable development, including through:

  •          decarbonisation of the economy, transformation towards an environmentally friendly and circular economy
  •          building an efficient and resilient transport system with the lowest possible negative impact on the environment
  •          completion of sections of the TEN-T core network by 2030
  •          Improving transport safety
  •          ensuring equal access to healthcare and improving the resilience of the health system
  •          strengthening the role of culture in social and economic development

By implementing the program, we want to increase the energy efficiency of housing, public buildings and enterprises, and increase the share of green energy from renewable energy sources in final energy consumption.

Investments in energy infrastructure are to improve the quality and security of power grids and the development of smart gas networks and increase their importance in the modern, green energy system. Investments in the environment sector are to contribute to greater resilience to climate change (including droughts and floods) and the protection of natural heritage (increase in retention capacity and improvement of monitoring and crisis management systems).

In the program, we will strive to improve the management of drinking water and municipal sewage, as well as municipal waste.

We plan to strengthen the protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. We will develop nature monitoring systems to facilitate their conservation.

In order to reduce emissions in transport, we will develop rail transport, including in cities, we will increase the availability of public transport, as well as logistics chains alternative to roads (seaports, inland waterways, intermodal transport).

In order to improve transport cohesion and reduce transport exclusion, we focus on the construction of new and modernisation of existing railway lines and national roads, including city bypasses.

We want to provide investments in key areas of the health care system, which will contribute to increasing patients' access to high-quality health services and their greater effectiveness.

In the cultural sector, we plan activities aimed at protecting monuments of global and national importance, both movable and immovable. At the same time, we will develop cultural institutions and support their adaptation to new cultural and social functions.

Who is it for?

The program's offer will be addressed among others to:

  •          enterprises,
  •          local government units,
  •          entities providing public services as part of the performance of their own duties of local government units,
  •          owners of residential buildings,
  •          state budget units and public administration,
  •          energy service providers,
  •          managers of national roads and railway lines,
  •          rescue services (technical rescue) and those responsible for traffic safety,
  •          State Fire Service,
  •          airport and seaport managing entities,
  •          non-governmental organizations,
  •          health care institutions, cultural institutions,
  •          churches and religious associations.

Forms of support

We offer: grants, financial instruments and instruments combining repayable and grant financing.


The budget of the programme is about PLN 125.8 billion, i.e. about EUR 29.3 billion.EU contribution: approximately PLN 103.9 billion.

National contribution: approximately PLN 21.9 billion.